Important Information
As health funds constantly change their packages it is vitally important that your client is aware of exactly what they are able to claim on their individual packages. ATMS has become aware that several larger funds have removed certain modalities from some of their new packages. When clients “upgrade” their coverage they may no longer be able to claim on your services. ATMS recommends that members inform their clients who are thinking of “upgrading” to ask their health fund if they will continue to be able to claim on your services.
Updated information about health funds is published and distributed to members each quarter via the ATMS Journal.
As health funds constantly change their packages it is vitally important that your client is aware of exactly what they are able to claim on their individual packages. ATMS has become aware that several larger funds have removed certain modalities from some of their new packages. When clients “upgrade” their coverage they may no longer be able to claim on your services. ATMS recommends that members inform their clients who are thinking of “upgrading” to ask their health fund if they will continue to be able to claim on your services.
Updated information about health funds is published and distributed to members each quarter via the ATMS Journal.
The following health fund information and table has been updated in Nov 2016: