

Noticeboard is a free 35-50 word advertising service for ATMS members.

  • Advertisements must not be for commercial goods or commercial services.
  • Please let us know when your notice is no longer needed.
  • Limit of 3 notices per member.
  • Advertisement remain on this website for 3 months.
  • Advertisement goes on website every friday morning. So please ensure ad gets emailed before thursday COB

NON MEMBERS Advertising

There is a fee of $30.00 for advertisements of up to 50 words. Please ensure all ads from NON MEMBERS specify recruitment of ATMS practitioners.

To place an Ad:

  • Email the following information to the office at
  • Your name
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
  • ATMS Member Number
  • Details of the advertisement
  • Your contact information