For Sale



 May 2017

Azima’s massage chair is exceptional in its design: Easily adjustable seat height, armrest, chest pillow and headrest make it the perfect chair for any client or practitioner. Well made and sturdy. Excellent condition. $350 plus transport. Contact Christine 0423 405 307

March 2017 

Used massage table Firm-n-fold for sale $100. Contact: Krystyna 0413 868 378


Naturopathic/Remedial Massage practice for sale in medical building in Hornsby. Established for over 12 years. Suitable for a couple or one to two Practitioners. Long term lease available. For further information: Phone Krystyna on 0413 868 378


Como Health Group
Microscopy Live & Dried Blood Analysis Training - Price $1350.00 ATMS CPE approved Intensive 2 day workshop, hands on training using quality microscopes; darkfield , phase and brightfield microscopy
Exploring  haematology and  incorporating the works of Bradford, Hoekstra, Mattman and Enderlein. 150 page color training manual of PowerPoint presentation  and CD reference pics

Venue:111 Charman Road, Beaumaris, Melbourne, Victoria 3193.
Presenter: Chris Ravesi N.D. , D.Ac. 
see for presenters CV
Email: or phone 03 9585 0616