The Australian Traditional-Medicine Society Ltd (ATMS) (ABN 46 002 844 233) is a
not for profit company.
ATMS is governed by an Executive Board of Directors in accordance with the ATMS Constitution. The Executive Board has established several Committees and appoints the members of those Committees. Committee members provide close scrutiny of various governance and administrative matters, and all Committees are subject to and report back to the Executive Board.
The Executive Board is assisted in its role by a salaried Chief Executive Officer and full and part-paid employees.
In addition the Executive Board has appointed specialists to have oversight of the major member modalities of Massage, Homoeopathy, Naturopathic Nutrition, Naturopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Herbal Medicine.
ATMS is a national organisation, with members in every State and Territory of Australia. To better serve the interests of such a widespread membership, the ATMS Executive Board appoints State and Territory Representatives.