

Applying For Membership

Please download the appropriate application form from the options below – Accredited (Practitioner), Associate (Non-Practising) or Student (currently studying at an ATMS accredited college). You may also obtain an application form by contacting the ATMS office on 1800 456 855 or

Certified Photocopies of qualifications and academic transcripts

Please attach certified photocopies of all qualification(s) and academic transcript(s). These documents may be certified by a (JP) Justice of the Peace; accountant; bank manager; solicitor; barrister; pharmacist; post office manager; judge; member of parliament; police officer. Providing certified photocopies in the first instance will assist in fast-tracking the assessment and accreditation process for you.

Associate Membership Application- Application form only, no additional documentation required

FREE Student Membership Application - Confirmation of CURRENT SEMESTER enrolment

Please attach evidence of current semester enrolment which includes your name, the course name and a list of subjects that you are currently enrolled in. (NOTE: Letters of Offer or student ID cards are NOT considered sufficient evidence.)

ATMS Accedited Membership Info & App Form    

ATMS Associate Member Info Form  

ATMS Student Member Info Form